Light Love and WHAT
Finally, finally, finally getting our first post out! I thought what better for the first post then telling you what LLL means to me. I feel like most people don't know the real meaning behind light love and lace. Yes, I am MarissaLace on Youtube. Believe it or not that isn't where this darling name came from. It simply came from my vision for this business. I remember sitting in my business classes and they always told us we had to envision our dream client. Wanna know what the light love and lace crew is about? Spreading love, spreading light, speaking his/hers truth, being a light worker, but also taking no shit. This is where the lace comes in. Like a rose quartz in high heels. Light love and lace is all about being true to your fabulous self while still trying to balance your chakras. Rose quartz in bubbly? Yes. Ok angels we will keep this short & sweet!
PS I really want to include other writers on this blog! If you want to submit an article on self love, spirituality, wellness, or anything like that please email it to us!
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